#sommchat Roundup: Hawk Wakawaka Wine Reviews on Fishing and Friuli

Nominated for a 2014 Wine Blog Award for "Best Overall Wine Blog", Elaine Chukan Brown of Hawk Wakawaka Wine Reviews has been recognized many times for the high quality of her prose. But she's also equally adept when given a maximum of 140 characters, as she showed when stopping by #sommchat on Twitter to field an hour's worth of questions. Here are some of the highlights.

Oh, and Elaine is also worthy of a follow on Instagram, chosen as one of 25 accounts you need for follow if you love wine. Elaine also answered some of my questions about writing, philosophy, and family in an extensive SpeakEasy interview.

Let's start from the beginning.

A natural affinity for Italy?

Can you be more specific?

Not neglecting red wine, though.

Prose does not have a monopoly when it comes to mentors.

Wine writing like...commercial salmon fishing?

Continuing the theme:

Speaking of Sherry, did you see our roundup of a chat with the co-founder of Sherryfest, Rosemary S. Gray?

Uh, I love this.

Hey Twitter, can we get a feature that allows drawing a tweet?

Don't be hung up on rules.

In conclusion: