Billboard Magazine on how Pearl Jam's signature wines sold out in 12 minutes. "Each of the 450 limited-edition sets came with four bottles of the Project's Idle Hands wine, with each bottle featuring a different label designed by PJ's art crew depicting the skyline of one of the cities (Seattle, Missoula, Chicago, Boston) the band is visiting on its "Home X Away" tour. "
Barrons on Möet Hennessy's China experiment. "The result is a beautiful red wine that costs about US$300 a bottle, certainly placing it price-wise alongside some of the best wines in the world."
The Guardian on how Spanish made blue wine is coming to France. "Vindigo is a 100% chardonnay wine made in Almería in Andalucia, Spain. It owes its strange colour to the wine being subsequently filtered through a pulp of red grape skins containing anthocyanins (from the Greek anthos – flower – and kyaneos – dark blue)."
The Washington Post on why South African wine deserves to be the next big thing in wine. "Some of the most intriguing wines I tasted were represented by young importers exploring South Africa as a new market where they can plant their flags and establish a reputation."
Decanter reports Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars founder Warren Winiarski has pledged US$3.3m to help maintain and improve the world-leading collection of wine writing at the library of UC Davis in California.
Seven Fifty Daily profiles Napa winemaker Cathy Corison. “I pick weeks earlier than most Cabernet producers in Napa Valley, and back in the day, I was the butt of jokes—‘Cathy’s picking. We should go sample for the first time."