Pack your bags and book those tickets: we're going to Oregon! The Beaver State is going ot make turning down such a trip might difficult as it's basically pouring you a glass of free wine to do so! Rather, sort of free; you still need to buy a ticket.
Monthly Archives: April 2014
- April 30, 2014
- April 30, 2014What level wine consumer are you? Take this test and find out. Yes, kittens are involved.
- April 30, 2014Nothing provokes the ire of wine drinkers like an egregious corkage fee. Here are 5 reactions to the $150 one at The French Laundry
- April 30, 2014Stop relying on critics swirling and spitting to inform you of the best Bordeaux vintages. Use math instead.
- April 30, 2014Is Paso Robles ready from a marketing standpoint to add 11 subappellations?
- April 30, 2014Categories: FeaturesBob Ecker looks at the impact of Sideways ten years later.
- April 30, 2014Wine news April 30, 2014
- April 29, 2014Will a new film set in Washington State's Yakima Valley wine country give this region the Sideways bump? Check out "Cement Suitcase".
- April 29, 2014Is it red wine that's best for the heart and the waistline? A USDA study suggests you may want to switch to Chardonnay
- Two sommeliers take on 7 varieties of Franzia wine and crown the best box.