Artsy’s Latest Round is Worth $50 million...But What’s It All For?
Michael Woodsmall
- February 18, 2018
- "In surf, sometimes I ride a long board and sometimes I ride a short board. It is the same with wine — I feel like I have at least enough experience to be able to go out and pursue different styles without feeling like I'm being didactic."
- June 27, 2015A conversation surrounding wine and barbecue in the context of a childhood growing up in Kansas City wouldn't be complete without a quick tour of the best it has to offer.
- June 27, 2015Chew on these words of wisdom to make sure that the truth tastes great.
- June 27, 2015Barbecue transcends meats and rubs and sauces and styles. It elicits a truly visceral response that speaks to family and friends and a fullness that is greater than how much you ate. So on and so on. And so it goes with wine.
- May 07, 2015"You know what I do more than anything else? I just spread the word about the grape... To be part of that proletariat movement is really where things get done."
- October 10, 2014"I suppose the main one is that the wine industry loves tradition and thus change is scary," Bieler says. "It’s just a vessle — keg, bottle or other — so we have to educate as to what the advantages are."
- September 16, 2014Wait a minute. Three red-blooded, meat-eatin' states in the Midwest are the only ones to prefer white to red? C'mon Kansas! Get it together!
- September 02, 2014And it's a (relatively) good deal! The restaurant/diner chain better known for its Grand Slam breakfast and $2 to $6 value menu has found itself in the lap of luxury and boy, oh, boy is it drinking the koolaid.
- August 24, 2014Downtown took a brunt of the tremors.