Metro on why adding salt to wine might be a good thing. "Sat next to Gina Gallo of E. & J. Gallo Winery at the time, he says that she wished her glass of Cabernet was a little more savoury rather than fruity – so he added a pinch of salt."
Alder Yarrow on thirteen years wine blogging. "The engagement and dynamism of the community that used to comment on blogs has shifted to Facebook and Twitter, and while the former is still going strong, we may be seeing the decline of the latter, to be replaced by who knows what."
Forbes explores fake wine. "Controversially, Downey says John Kapon, the CEO of Acker Merrall, not only funded Kurniawan’s wine purchases but, “Rudy the great collector became a creation of Kapon, and was responsible for putting Acker Merrall & Condit the auction house on the map,” adds Downey."
The Street on wine clones. "With the rise of genetics, scientists have hastened the process by trying to develop clones with favorable characteristics such as disease resistance, yield potential or suitability for a given climate."
In Decanter Andrew Jefford goes in search of a lost wine. "Seyssuel did die – or rather never became an appellation at all, despite its pre-phylloxera history. The renaissance was due to three growers, Yves Cuilleron, François Villard and Pierre Gaillard."
The Drinks Business reports that Queen Elizabeth's sparkling wine has sold out. "In 2011 four hectares of the Windsor Great Park Estate were planted with 16,700 Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Meunier vines with the intention of making English sparkling wine."