Scientific American says wine snobs are right wine glass shape does affect flavor.
In Forbes Amarone explained.
On how to avoid a hangover according to Jenny Lewis and Bill Murray. "So Bill Murray's drinking advice is, you drink your liquor. Then you drink the same amount in water. Then go again. Bill Murray calls it "one for one." asks what's in your wine? "This leads one to believe that a wine rich in anthocyanins should be preferred over one with less of this healthy source of a rich red color in wines. The modern wine consumer cannot judge anthocyanine levels by color or texture, though, if the wine maker has added a dose of controversial food color Megapurple to fake the effect (or as the industry would put it, to ensure a consistent wine experience)."
In Winesearcher, the Riesling backlash begins.
In The Drinks Business the 10 architectural wonders of the wine world.
In Punch separating fad from future in natural wine. "A winemaker must be meticulously clean, a skillful, careful observer and above all, make the right decisions to achieve his or her goal: a palatable (if not delicious) wine. In the case of natural wine, that merely means that the winemaker is trying to achieve that goal without additives (with the exception of small amounts of sulfur dioxide) or unnecessary processing."