Wine consumption falls in Italy reports Decanter.
Mike Steinberger in Winesearcher explains why New California is not so new.
Rosé sales soar in France reports The Drinks Business. Also in The Drinks Business, the top 10 wine cellars.
Snooth provides an event calendar for May wine events.
Wine and Spirits has an interview with Randall Grahm and Ceri Smith on the Chianti renaissance at Tosca.
Alice Feiring on Jenny Lefcourt of Jenny and Francois.
Dr. Vino looks into powdered alcohol.
Tom Wark, proof that the three tier system is whatever distributors want it to be.
Punch on the feud over Italy's most mysterious wine estate.
How to make industrial wine taste great, Wired via Punch.
Washington wineries have fun with recommender app reports the Los Angeles Times.