The Wine Enthusiast on Champagne alternatives.
Simon Berry warns Bordeaux over 2014 prices reports Bloomberg.
Palate Press praises simple wines. "Kermit Lynch once described a wine he imported as “a mouth rinse.” He meant it as praise. I saw this a decade ago and have never forgotten it."
Wines and Vines on innovation in the wine world.
Jameson Fink praises Napa Valley's Smith Madrone. "I am hard-pressed to think of a better Napa Cab for under 50 bucks." Check out our interview with winemaker Stuart Smith.
Tom Wark on 10 reasons wineries hate wholesalers.
Zachary Sussman writing in Punch asks, is Jura fighting the Urban Outfitters effect? "One is also reminded of the mentality found in the “indie” rock scene, wherein fans become angry when their favorite obscure band signs with a major label."
The Wall Street Journal on Champagne cocktails.
Jancis Robinson in the Financial Times on the other glass ceiling: women winemakers. "As has been well documented, in very general terms (and this is far from a personal claim), women have superior tasting abilities to men, performing more precisely and consistently in experiments."
In the Sacramento Bee, Revolution Wines flies the flag for Sacramento terroir.
USA Today says Portugal is shaking up the wine world.
CNBC looks at wine as an economic indicator.
In The Wall Street Journal a Daredevil behind a wine and dine concept.