The Wine Enthusiast picks its top wine travel destinations. Orlando anyone?
Jackson Family Wines Chairman Barbara Banke would like to buy in Burgundy reports Decanter.
Winesearcher looks at why Rombauer is one of the "best loved" California Chardonnays. W. Blake Gray on his own blog reflects on the article and his feelings about Rombauer.
Dr. Vino on the Grinch who stole wine from The French Laundry. "and mamma in her ‘kerchief, and Chef Keller in his cap,
Had just settled their whole grains for a long winter’s nap, When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
Chef sprang from his bed to see what was the matter."
Katie Kelly Bell in Forbes on the best wine and junkfood pairings -Tater Tots and Champagne?
Will Lyons in The Wall Street Journal on the best wine apps.
Live Science reports that wine grapes get new gene to fight blight.
The Los Angeles Times reports on a wine rave, DJs glowsticks and Cabernet.