Wine news May 10, 2018

Bloomberg on a South African drought that has made the wine pricier but tastier. "Drier weather meant fewer pests damaging vine leaves in the world’s eighth-biggest wine producer and the warm temperatures helped boost the quality of the 2018 vintage, according to Vinpro, which represents 2,500 wine producers and cellars in the local industry of 36 billion rand ($2.9 billion) annually. "

Fox on tips for saving money on wine.

GQ on how to drink natural wine. "Natural wines are so energizing that they’re safe for drinking before a big night out."

Decanter asks what drives people to make wine. "In Europe, religion has played a direct role in the growth of vineyards – from the first communities of monks in the 6th century through to the famous settlements of Cluny and Cîteaux in the 10th and 12th centuries and beyond."

The Chicago Tribune explores the half bottle format. "The half-bottle, at 375 milliliters (or 12.5 ounces), is the perfect size for one person. That is one of the reasons a trip to Europe is always so enchanting."

In Sevenfifty Daily Amanda Barnes explains Rioja's new regulations. "The new regulations allow wine producers to make their region more identifiable to the consumer, which includes using a larger typeface and taking up more space on the label."