Wine news May 27, 2015

In the Huffington Post 10 ways to develop your wine palate. "In Italy, palates are different. This explains why Caramel, Cinnamon and Pumpkin Spice coffee flavors are popular at Starbucks in the U.S,. and why Americans tend to order cappuccino as an after dinner drink." on how an expert spots fraudulent wine. "Wine fraud is an old tradition, too. Apparently Pliny the Elder complained about the rampant fakery plaguing the wines of Rome, reports Kim Gittleson for BBC News"Not even our nobility ever enjoys wines that are genuine," he wrote in his Natural History."

The San Diego Union Tribune on how draught is darkening the Valle de Guadaloupe in Baja, Mexico. "Dry, in that the semiarid Valle has fallen well below its already paltry 8 to 10 inches annual average rainfall since 2010. Last year saw less than 3 inches of rain; even the desert that is Las Vegas gets an average of 4.2 inches a year."

The on how to succeed as a newbie wine collector. "There are units that feature zero vibrations in addition to all the other cellaring commandments, but they are expensive. These go for $3,000 to $6,000 and can realistically hold 150 to 200 bottles. Eventually, you’ll need two."

Alder Yarrow on the Champagnes of Anselme Selosse."Both Anselm Selosse and his wines possess the singular quality of being lost in time, existing somewhere between eternal youth and the patina of age, but most assuredly not of this moment."

The Village Voice talks to Fung Tu beverage director Jason Wagner about pairing wine with Eastern dishes. "I always have one riesling on the list, and probably never more than that, though I'm not crusading against it or anything. I'm just trying to get people to think differently about Chinese food and wine together."

In the Daily Mail, a study shows that one small glass of wine a day harms older ladies' hearts.

In Punch Zachary Sussman asks what is Pét-Nat really? "One is left with the curious impression that pét-nat represents two contradictory things: on the one hand, it’s the latest hipster-approved wine trend—the kind of effortlessly drinkable stuff designed to be knocked back with abandon. And yet, on the other, it’s designed to be some sort of old-school vinous throwback steeped in tradition."

The Drinks Business says there may be a NZ Sauvignon Blanc shortage looming.

In Decanter, Gallo continues Napa spending spree.