Uncorked is a new series from WINERAM Productions! This show goes into detailed discussions and interviews with key players from some of the United States top wineries and wine regions.
Episode 1 saw us explore the great outdoor expanse of Washington state, specifically Woodinville Wine Country. Episode 2 takes us into Idaho to hang out in Sun Valley with pros from the Smith Optics team, and then over to Oregon to see what Portland, Mt. Hood, and the Willamette Valley have to offer as far as wine and adventure goes.
Oregon, together with Stoller Family Estate, brings exciting flavors to the West with its amazing skiing and Pinot Noir to be had. Cheers!
For more information about the Stoller Family Estate, head on over to their website. And for more information on Colin West and the team behind the series, don't forget to visit Wineram.com. Also, be sure to Like them on Facebook.