The Los Angeles Times on the San Diego wine scene. "The county's collection of wineries takes many by surprise, but it was way ahead of the curve, with winemaking dating from the 1820s."
The Washington Post on a Thanksgiving wine list.
The Wall Street Journal on the best books for wine lovers. "The keyword “wine” returns almost 170,000 titles on Amazon."
New Historian on a 6th century wine press found in an Israeli excavation. "Much of the wine likely went to the Christian community that were living there at the time, based on the etchings on one of the vats that was found located in close proximity to the wine press."
Forbes on gifts for wine lovers.
Jancis Robinson on Pomerol - under construction. "Extending properties in the Médoc on the left bank is a little easier because there it is the brand, or château, that is classified, not the land."
The Drinks Business reports that US Marshals are going to auction off Rudy Kurniawan's wine collection. "The US Marshals Service Asset Forfeiture Division worked with Stephanie Reeves and Michael Egan to authenticate 5,128 bottles of fine wine; 4,711 were found to be the real thing and the rest imitations."
Andrew Jefford in Decanter asks what does climate change mean for wine. "Harvest dates have advanced by two or three weeks in every wine-growing region over the past half-century; alcohol levels for many classic red wines are between one and two per cent higher than they were in the 1960s and 1970s, signifying (in large part) more sugar for an equivalent phenolic ripeness."
The UC Press Blog on how to become a garagiste.
Alfonso Cevola on Nebbiolo's influence on Napa and New California wine.
The Wine Curmudgeon on the end of the wine business as we know it.