CNN on quirky charm of Canadian wine country. "I'm in the Okanagan Valley near the city of Kelowna, which sits at the center of one of Canada's fastest-growing wine regions."
Forbes on Calaveras the new pulse of California wine country. "Calaveras County (home, according to author Mark Twain, of a renowned jumping frog) is shaped like a tilted traffic cone."
Business Insider talks to a Master Sommelier about 4 key wine trends. "Canned wine sales have more than doubled in the past year, reaching $6.4 million in sales."
The Economist on why wine is essential to Persian culture. "During the heady reign of the Pahlavis (1925-79) Iranians freely indulged in drinking as it was legally permissible to do so."
The Telegraph looks at Penfolds recorking clinic. "Please be aware that you may not get good news. “Sometimes unfortunately the wines are found to be completely gone,” says Alicia Mellish, speaking for Penfolds."
The Sacramento Beeon the future of Colorado wine. "Overall, however, Colorado wines in the two flights showed well enough to indicate that wine deserves a place alongside the state’s better-known treats, namely marijuana, cider, mead and beer."
The Wine Economist on a new book about Chianti Classico. "Rather the issue, which is thoroughly examined over the course of eleven chapters, is how should the Chianti region be defined and what wines should therefore receive the Chianti designation."