Politico reports on the impact of capital controls on the Greek wine industry. "At the Mercouri Estate, where verdant olive groves and 150-year-old vineyards fringe the turquoise Ionian Sea, it is a race against time to have enough bottles and corks on hand when the first white wines are drained from the fermentation tanks in early December in time for Christmas."
Saveur on keeping rosé weird. "The different flavor notes that you can find in natural wine—wine made without preservatives or chemicals, and often by human hands—is astounding. Unfiltered rosés can be cloudy and reminiscent of a farmhouse cider; in places like Sicily and Sardinia, you can find wines that vermouth maker and natural wine advocate Bianca Miraglia calls “holy shit funky but fruity and delicious and amazing.”
And if that is not convincing enough, Katie Couric on Yahoo is on hand to explain rosé. "While many think of rosé as a summertime wine, it does pair well with food all year round. (How do you think Santa’s cheeks get so rosy?)"
The Jewish Press profile Domaine du Castel in Israel.
Business Insider on orange wine. "Eileen explained the former: "Imagine you cut an apple in half, put it on the counter, and it started to turn brown—this is what happens with some orange wines and sherry. The sugars and enzymes react to the oxygen so that the wine exposed turns orange."
Time says it is ok to ignore scores when shopping for wine. " In fact, the growing consensus is that wine scores, while likely to stay a part of the industry, are on their way out as a trusted criteria for consumers."
In the Guardian African Americans shake up wine industry stereotypes. "In the wine industry, there are only a few dozen black vintners across the country, about 20 of them in Napa Valley."
Jancis Robinson looks at the future of wine criticism. "Unlike Robert Parker, I have never believed that there is only one 'correct' objective judgement to be made about each wine."