Bloomberg reports that Rupert Murdoch's Malibu vineyards are going to be ok. "The 16-acre Moraga Estate, acquired in 2013 for $28.8 million, was in an evacuation zone. Murdoch and wife Jerry Hall occupy a 7,500-square-foot house on the property. The home wasn’t damaged, Rich said."
Food and Wine talks to John Legend about his wine. "I’ve liked wine ever since I could drink,” he says. “I usually like white wine during the day, I like red wine at night, I feel like it settles and calms me and feels like nighttime."
The Guardian on weed and wine tours in California. "Plastic cups of wine were passed around along with joints as our party bus chugged over the Golden Gate bridge. Tupac’s California Love oozed from the speakers into an atmosphere as foggy as a San Francisco morning."
Jancis Robinson suggests festive reds. " Some of them, particularly the simpler beaujolais, would make great aperitifs for those who prefer reds to whites. Others are grand enough to be a centrepiece at a special meal. The burgundies and Pinot Noirs may be especially suitable for turkey and its sweeter trimmings."
Andrew Jefford in Decanter on Montsant in Spain. "Montsant surrounds Priorat like a bangle around a wrist. Which is to say almost completely; there are just a few kilometres near the Priorat village of Porrera where the circle is not closed."