US Weekly reports that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are going to make wine. "It will be a rare vintage: Kardashian, 35, and West do not intend to sell the vino in the vein of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Pitt’s Miraval Rosé. Says the source, “They just want to make their own wine at home.”
CNN asks what would Jesus drink? "A small but growing number of wineries in Israel and the West Bank are trying to recreate the wine of the Bible, combining ancient grape varietals with modern science to identify and produce the wine consumed thousands of years ago in the Holy Land."
In Decanter Jane Anson picks her five most inspiring wine stories of 2015.
Winefolly compares Tawney Port with Ruby Port.
Eric Asimov in the New York Times on Champagnes you have never heard of. "Excellent grower-producers like Pierre Peters, Pierre Gimonnet, Larmandier-Bernier and Egly-Ouriet are no longer rarities."