Popular Science looks into why red wine can make one sick. "But certain types of congeners found in red wine, including ones called tannins, can make people who are already susceptible to migraines much more likely to get them."
The Telegraph provides wine predictions for 2017.
Decanter on popular wine styles of 2016. "It pointed to an ongoing trend for people to drink ‘less but better’."
Palate Press talks to the wine director at Legal Sea Foods about how they select their wine list. "The next category is Legal Sea Foods’ proprietary wines. This is about 15% of the wine list. Block explains, “These are wines that we craft and we blend in partnership with various wine suppliers…They fit our specs, to match our wine and food.”
Winefolly on underrated fortified wines. " So, when you drink classic fortified wines today, they reflect what wines tasted like 300 years ago–that’s about as close to drinking history as you can get."