The Wall Street Journal on why Virginia is for wine lovers. "The number of wineries has increased exponentially, too; there are some 260 today, compared with just 43 when Mr. Shaps began making wine in 1995. And a record 6.7 million bottles of local wine were sold in the state in fiscal 2016, up 34% from 2010, according to the Virginia Wine Board Marketing Office."
Forbes talks to sommeliers about the best wines to drink in 2017. "In 2017, more and more people will finally catch on to the brilliance that's coming out of Morocco!"
Business Insider talks to MS Andrea Robinson about picking wines for Delta Airlines. "Robinson, a former analyst with Morgan Stanley, spent four days at Delta's global headquarters in Atlanta whittling down a field of roughly 1,400 bottles of wine to just 120 finalists."
W. Blake Gray on why restaurants may be adding sugar to your Champagne. "Adding a touch of sugar just before serving -- less than the size of the packets used for coffee -- causes the Champagne to fizz up. It looks festive, and the customer can't complain that the wine has gone flat, no matter how it tastes."