Wine news December 31, 2014

The Wine Enthusiast tests five hangover aids.

Winesearcher creates a wine merchants wish list.

Bloomberg reports that Italy's wine production is expected to fall 14% after a rainy summer.

Alder Yarrow is flirting with the ecstatic drinking the wines of Nikolaihof, Austria.

Jamie Goode posts his year in pictures.

In Forbes, wine insiders share their new year's traditions.

Tom Wark gives his top five wine predictions of 2015.

In Punch a handful of professionals look back at 2014 to determine what they won't do again.

On experts pick the healthiest wines.

The Los Angeles Times provides a list of some of the $300,000 worth of wine stolen from the French Laundry.

The New Scientist on alcohol archeology, recreating beverages with heritage.