The Guardian on South African white wine. "Back in the 1980s, this was the most tightly controlled market in the world; now, it’s one of the most dynamic, and even the regulatory board, which hands out export licences, has a category for skin contact whites and “alternative” reds and whites."
The Telegraph on National Drink Wine Day. "Ignore the 'health experts' who ask us to think of cancer before we have a lovely beverage and take solace in these great reasons to whack out the corkscrew and get stuck in (responsibly)."
The Telegraph on the Tuscan wine made by rocker Sting is recognized as one of Italy's best.
The Mother Nature Network on orange wine.
Eater asks what kind of wine can I pair with eggs. "Acidity will work to cut through any richness. Crisp rosé and smooth, high acid reds can also work."
Punch on how to make it as a small wine importer. “I fell upon a little tasting in the Loire, the Dive Bouteille, which at the time was probably only ten or 15 producers,” says Lefcourt."