CNN talks to golfer and winemaker Cristie Kerr.
The Atlantic on how millennials almost killed the cork. "The report also revealed that roughly two-thirds of Millennials “frequently or occasionally” purchase unfamiliar brands of wine, and 60 percent admitted to being swayed by “fun and contemporary-looking” labels."
Decanter on the world's greatest wine library. "The collection itself, Borg tells me, started well before the Davis campus existed, dating back to 1876 and the first university paper published on the red button topic of the time; phylloxera. ‘Unlike most academic libraries we don’t collect with a national bias,’ he adds with proprietary pride."
The Wine Economist revisits Open That Bottle Night. "John Brecher and Dorothy Gaiter invented OTBN in 2000 as a way to celebrate wine by releasing its pent up stories."
Food and Wine on former NBA star John Salley on a being born-again vegan and the wines that keep his body strong. "Then he said, “And by the way Pamela Anderson’s going to be there.” So I said, “Hell yeah.” Wine or not, I can’t wait to meet Pamela Anderson. And I show up with these pants that look like leather and find out it wasn’t a guy named Peter—it was a party for PETA."