Eric Asimov in the New York Times is looking for soul in Douro reds. " Yet the wine panel recently tasted 20 Douro reds from the 2012 and 2013 vintages and was left feeling that too often something seemed to be lacking."
Wines and Vines on why Riesling is hard to sell. "Retail sales of Riesling, by dollar amount and volume, have been down slightly every year since 2014, according to the Nielsen market research firm; sales barely ticked up in 2013."
Jamie Goode asks how useful are comparative blind tastings. "Sometimes you rate a wine you like quite a bit quite low in the rankings."
Jon Bonné in Punch asks can Savoie become the Rhône's rival sister? "Along with parts of the Pyrenees, the Savoie is France’s true mountain region for wine, a mysterious place dotted with dairy cows and chalets."