The Mercury News profiles a home winemaking journey. "So they’re back to it, only this time, not as home winemakers but as a new business venture, although they’re still very much hands-on and involved in the winemaking process, down to designing and creating the labels on their bottles and doing their own marketing on social media."
Mashable on wine gifts."Move away from the kitchen classics with this wine soap set."
In Decanter Andrew Jefford is amazed by Dal Forno during a trip to Veneto. "Dal Forno also invented a system of four independently operating pistons in each tank to perfect the extraction process."
Jancis Robinson is excited about food friendly Chinon. "For long a fan of Cabernet Franc, the signature grape of the middle, east–west stretch of the Loire where this comes from, I always think of the discovery, thanks to the development of DNA profiling techniques and their application to grapevines, that Cabernet Franc is in fact the parent of the much more popular and respected Cabernet Sauvignon."
The Washington Post on why wine is a time machine. "These bottles did not include plane tickets to Bordeaux, but they did give us a sense of that “special place” in Pauillac, along the left bank of the Gironde River."