The Daily Mail on how musician Sting's passion for music influenced his wines. "The vintages, which are made from the vineyards on Sting and Trudie Styler's biodynamic Italian property, have now gone on sale across Europe and in the U.S."
The New York Post on the real reason your wine costs so much at restaurants. "But “traditionally a restaurant’s profit is made on the beverage side,” explains Cappiello. Beverages, especially wine, are “where you can finesse numbers a bit to make up your bottom line.”
The Sacramento Bee on Idaho wine. "Idaho now has 52 wineries, up from 11 a little more than a decade ago, and about 1,300 acres in wine grapes. (By comparison, upward of 320,000 acres of potatoes are cultivated annually.)"
The Telegraph on a row in St. Tropez on a wine that has dung as its name. "However, this rosy tableau has been clouded by a row over a decision by the town’s cave cooperative, its collective wine cellar, to call this year’s vintage Mist, an acronym for Made in Saint-Tropez.The word means, “dung”, or “manure” but also “crap” or “rubbish” in German."
I'll Drink to That! interviews Giusto Occhipinti.
The Wine Economist on natural cork versus alternative closures. "The graph suggests that natural cork is used by about 50% of the wineries surveyed, down from nearly 70% a few years ago. Technical cork is shown rising from about 20% to 30%, while ynthetic closures are roughly stable at a little more than 10% and screw caps are shown rising from about 10% to 30%."
In The Drinks Business Robert Parker says sorry to Burgundy. “Sure there are always regrets, and I think the biggest mistake was when I was younger and doing Burgundy that I was too belligerent and aggressive with the Burgundians; I stepped on too many toes,” he said."
In Decanter red wine weight loss theory is nonsense says UK national health service. "And drinking plenty of red wine [as one headline claimed] will not lead you to lose weight – if anything the opposite will occur. A standard 75cl bottle of red wine contains around 570 calories, which is more than is found in two McDonald’s hamburgers,’ it added."