In Wired, sulfites are fine but here is how to remove them. "f you prove your wine has less than that, you can apply for an exemption—thus so-called “sulfite-free” wines exist. They are universally quite vile."
CBS News historic draught sprouts success for Napa wineries. "In normal conditions, the roots of grape vines grow 10 feet deep, but in dry conditions, they are forced to burrow twice as deep in search of water. The stressed-out vines produce a smaller grape but one with more concentrated sugar and complex flavor."
The Guardian on English wine being served at Wimbledon for the first time. "The chosen wine for the championships, which start on Monday, is a white Pinot Gris 2014, from the Bolney estate in East Sussex. Dry, fresh and aromatic, it has been chosen for fans attending the event as “a perfect match” for strawberries and cream."
Andrew Jefford in Decanter on how Burgundy is easy to understand compared to Barolo and Barbaresco. "It’s as if one region had embraced both the Burgundian and the Alsace definitions of Grand Cru simultaneously. In any case, as Roberto Voerzio points out, “the secret of Barolo is that everything changes every 20 metres”, so even the smaller circumscriptions will be a compromise."
In The Drinks Business wine from Napoleon's carraige to be sold. "The bottle dates from around 1810 is unopened and although the level is eight inches (20cm) below the base of the cork it is “believed” to still contain wine – which may be a Sherry."
Zachary Sussman in Punch on a new extreme for underwater aging. "ailing from the tiny appellation of Picpoul-de-Pinet in southern France—and made from picpoul, the local white grape—the bottle takes underwater aging to a new extreme."
Jancis Robinson lifts the veil on the Jura. "Between two and three dozen Australian wine producers have since bitten the Savagnin bullet and are selling wines so labelled, and at least two of them, including Crittenden, are experimenting with making sous voile [under a veil, of yeast, pictured above right] examples matured under a thin film of yeast in the highly particular tradition of the Jura."
Meg Maker talks to Cathy Corison.