Eonline reviews 15 celebrity wines."Nicki Minaj won't stop rapping about this so I was excited to try it but it's way too sweet! I did not like it. Tasted like expired champagne mixed with Jolly Ranchers and Capri Sun."
Vice says rosé is the Drake of all wine. "You know how people bring up that Drake was Wheelchair Jimmy? That is like rosé and white zinfandel."
The Telegraph on the world's best in-flight wines. "BA did so well in the other categories that, against 35 airline competitors, it also bagged the overall gold medal for the very best “Cellar in the Sky”.
In The Wall Street Journal Lettie Teague asks what goes into wine label design. "Dr. Miller, a San Francisco-based M.D.-Ph.D. turned wine entrepreneur, just launched a label-centric wine company, Bare Bottle, that matches top American design talent with first-rate winemakers from the West Coast."
In the New York Times rosé from Provence needs to live a little."The vast majority of rosés are, in fact, like street-corner flowers. They’re superficially, sometimes cynically pretty, yet made to wither quickly."
The Wine Enthusiast on the pros and cons of decanting.
Andrew Jefford in Decanter on some new tools for wine students. "Pity the poor wine student, faced with complexity of this order. I still think mind maps are a useful aid, but I would recommend that every student starts with two blank sheets of A3 paper, and slowly fills each one up for themselves, based on their tasting experiences alone and with a total disregard for any kind of reputational aura."
In Winesearcher Roberto Anselmi forced his own father to quit the family business in order to improve the wines.
Alder Yarrow on the great Prosecco crisis of 2015. "After a particularly rainy and poor harvest last year, production is down as much as 50% in some areas of the Valdobbiadene and Congeliano regions of northern Italy that produce this beloved sparkling wine."
Alice Feiring asks can natural wines change your life?
Jancis Robinson on first growth influences in Napa Valley. "Still a relative newcomer, Bascaules was number two to Paul Pontallier at Margaux and is already revelling in how much easier it is to effect change in the Napa Valley than in Bordeaux."
The Washington Post finds good reasons for wine snob behaviours. "A sommelier friend of mine chews his wine so noisily, I had to ask him to be quiet when we were judging a wine competition together. I could hardly hear myself taste."