The Telegraph on the end of wine o clock. "C‘The tipping point was when I got so hammered and embarrassing at a work party in London that, in their desperation to get rid of me, my colleagues spent £180 on a taxi to send me all the way home to Buckinghamshire."
Jancis Robinson on shortening the distribution chain and LVMH's opening of Clos19 a website selling their top Champagne's. "The site was 'conceptualised' by LVMH founder Bernard Arnault's UK-based niece Stéphanie and is designed to offer not just the fanciest bottles of Dom Pérignon, Château d'Yquem, Ardbeg and Hennessy but also, including at least two of my least favourite words, 'a bespoke selection of exclusively curated experiences ranging from intimate tastings with brand ambassadors and cellar masters to once-in-a-lifetime journeys'. The last of these apparently include a submarine trip to view the remains of the Titanic. Well-oiled, presumably."
The Washington Post visits Jordan Winery. "But when John Jordan took over the winery in 2006, he and Davis decided they needed to up their game. The estate vineyard was producing inconsistent quantity vintage to vintage, and the wines had some underripe “green” flavors of bell peppers."
Medical News Today asks can wine protect your neurons? "Although the negative effects of alcohol consumption are well-known, some studies have indicated that a moderate intake of red wine may delay age-related cognitive impairment, as well as the onset of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease."
Andrew Jefford in Decanter on the other right bank. "This is Provençale Rhône, if you like: the great honey-white bowl of stonefields, terraces and garden villages which arcs out to the east, corralled by the jagged Dentelles de Montmirail, by austere Mont Ventoux, by the western end of the Vaucluse Massif, and finally by the prettier Montagne de Luberon and the Alpilles to the south."