The Washington Post reports that France cancels diplomatic dinner with Iran over dispute about serving wine with the meal. "The food fracas comes as Rouhani is staging his first official trip to Europe as president, one meant to herald Iran’s economic coming out after a long period of international sanctions."
The Wall Street Journal profiles Roberta Morrell of New York's Morrell's wine bar and wine shop. "The company started in 1947 as a small liquor store on East 49th Street, run by her parents, Samuel and Charlotte Morrell."
Yahoo Travel recommends Malibu as a wine travel destination. "You simply can’t find its wine outside of the L.A. region, unlike the Napa and Sonoma wines that are produced on a larger scale."
The AJC says the attitude towards Georgia wine should change.
Bloomberg reports that a record Prosecco supply won't make the wine cheaper. "The Prosecco industry forecasts global sales will jump 20 percent this year to 1.68 billion euros ($1.84 billion)."
Mike Dunn is the Sacramento Bee on Barboursville Vineyards and the legacy of Thomas Jefferson. "Jefferson’s influence also is evident just down the slope from the tasting room. It’s the ruins of an 1814 brick mansion he designed for his pal James Barbour – Virginia governor, U.S. senator and secretary of war under President John Quincy Adams – but gutted by fire on Christmas Day in 1884."
In Decanter, Champagne and World War I. "Champagne quickly found itself on the frontline between the German and Allied armies in autumn 1914 and was thereafter at the centre of the bloody war of attrition that continued for another four years."