The New York Daily News gets excited about Greek wine. "A place I'd been enchanted with since the early ’80s, thanks to the Daryl Hanna and Peter Gallagher film "Summer Lovers," has been Greece and the islands of Mykonos and Santorini."
The New York Times on the ageless appeal of good Bordeaux. "The good wines cost a lot of money; its English-speaking audience is aging; the dominant grapes, cabernet sauvignon and merlot, are out of fashion relatively speaking; and the region, unlike, say, Burgundy, lacks charismatic representatives to talk up its appeal."
The Telegraph creates a video introducing Champagne. "The video above focuses on the origins and qualities of Champagne, including the unique way it is made and matured leading to its distinct taste on the palate."
The Drinks Business reports on a new director at Chateau Margeaux. "Currently managing Director of Francis Ford Coppola’s Inglenook estate in California, Bascaules will take up his new role in Bordeaux on 1 March 2017."
Newsday on how Long Island's wine industry is dealing with erratic weather.
Decanter on the best Italian wine lists in New York. "How did it happen? Restaurateurs like Puglia native Nicola Marzovilla, who opened Enoteca I Trulli in 1998 with an all-Italian wine list that included 50 labels by the glass, were key."
Punch explores how "house wine" has changed. "Many now work with winemakers to create proprietary wines for their restaurants that bear a resemblance to the old notion of a private label, but are the result of a genuine collaboration. A new name used to describe them—“custom cuvée”—hints at exactly that."