"Take me down/ To the Paradise City/Where the grass is green/And Chianti pretty." Wait, what? How does this classic song from Guns N' Roses debut album have have a link with red wine from Tuscany? You can find out via the historic Italian winery, Marchesi de' Frescobaldi. Specifically, on their Facebook page. The "Wine Emotions" app shows how a variety of grapes and vintages evoke more than just flavor sensations from the glass. Landscapes, fabrics, emotions, meal combinations and, yes, music can all come to mind when enjoying wine. And wine drinkers share these emotional reactions to Frescobaldi's wines, like this Guns N' Roses fan:
Want to find out if the Nipozzano Riserva Chianti Rufina evokes a similar emotional response? We have the 2010 for you to try, so you can see if vintage variation has any impact on Guns N' Roses.