In Italy's Veneto region, up in the northeastern part of the country, when it comes to sparkling wine, Prosecco is king. But if you're looking for something distincly different, check out a sparkling rosé made from the Wildbacher grape by Tenuta Col Sandago. A grape that originally hails from Austria, and whose name translates to "wild stream", it's remarkable that anyone is still growing it due to its low yields. It would be much easier to just plant the Glera grape and make Prosecco. Rather than being a pale, delicate rosé, in this instance, Tentua Col Sandgo produces a sparkling wine with a deeper color, verging on red. It has a striking balance of richness and refreshment, making it versatile for sipping on its own, or at the table with a wide variety of appetizers.
Jameson Fink has been working in the wine industry and blogging about wine since 2004. Saveur Magazine nominated his site,jamesonfink.com, for a 2013 Best Food Blog Award in the Wine/Beer Category. He is a tireless advocate for year-round rosé consumption and enjoys a glass of Champagne alongside a bowl of popcorn.