Wines We Hate: Do "Palates Matter Less Than Our Perspectives"?

Frank Bruni has an interesting post in The New York Times entitled, "A Taste You Hate? Just Wait". Why is it that at some point in our adult lives we embrace something, taste-wise, that up until that point had give us nothing but displeasure? Some of the food suspects trotted out:

  • beets
  • oysters
  • cauliflower
  • broccoli
  • lamb
  • skate
  • coconut water
  • mushroooms
  • papaya
  • sushi
  • fennel

So how do we learn to love beets and broccoli, skate and sushi? Bruni quotes Dr. Gary Beauchamp from Philadelphia's Monell Chemical Senses Center. He's an expert on taste science, and explained, “We’re built to be wary of something novel, but once it’s not novel, we can develop new food preferences into old age." Beauchamp further elucidated, "’s not about something that’s going on in the mouth or the taste buds but something that’s going on further up in the brain.”

So are there wines that you could not stand when you started your life as a wine drinker that you now find you enjoy with great pleasure? And what was the story behind this triumph of perspective?