What's it like to open a wine shop? Josiah Baldivino stopped by SommChat on Twitter to dish about Bay Grape, the recently-opened Oakland spot he co-owns with wife, fellow wine pro Stevie Stacionis.
In the beginning:
A. @keepercoll #sommchat Got in2 wine by accident. Needed a biz internship so started interning at @silverlakewine stocking shelves/cleaning
— Josiah Baldivino (@JosiahBaldivino) August 27, 2014
Off to a good start:
@keepercoll @BayGrape #sommchat My phone is blowing up so much right now I feel like Kanye
— Josiah Baldivino (@JosiahBaldivino) August 27, 2014
More than just retail:
A. @keepercoll @BayGrape We'll do classes, guided tastings-not really a bar, more a place to share a bottle,learn, meet neighbors #sommchat
— Josiah Baldivino (@JosiahBaldivino) August 27, 2014
Global and local:
A. @keepercoll @baygrape #sommchat No, we have wines from all around the world. We love all types of wine and sell something for everyone.
— Josiah Baldivino (@JosiahBaldivino) August 27, 2014
A. @keepercoll @baygrape also super stoked 2 highlight a ton of our favorite local producers/friends. So great to have them close #sommchat
— Josiah Baldivino (@JosiahBaldivino) August 27, 2014
Non-douchey, always a plus:
A. @demilove @keepercoll #sommchat Natural, easygoing, friendly, comfortable talking abt wine, not douchey. Can answer Qs but not pushy
— Josiah Baldivino (@JosiahBaldivino) August 27, 2014
Someone should make "Tami Frapatto is the jam on a hot day" into a song.
A. @cecchiwinery @keepercoll #sommchat Favorite? Depends on mood/day but right now I'm digging Sicily. Tami Frappato is the jam on a hot day
— Josiah Baldivino (@JosiahBaldivino) August 27, 2014
Local picks time; favorite this tweet!
A. @amylieberfarb #sommchat @baygrape Salinia, Littorai, Megan Glaab doing Lost & Found, Arnot-Roberts, all friends making really good juice
— Josiah Baldivino (@JosiahBaldivino) August 27, 2014
The making of Bay Grape:
A. @keepercoll @StevieStacionis @BayGrape We live in neighborhood & stumbled upon space on way to farmers market... #sommchat
— Josiah Baldivino (@JosiahBaldivino) August 27, 2014
A. @keepercoll ...Started talking ideas, felt like it was meant to be. Really hard decision bc I loved my job @MichaelMinaSF... #sommchat
— Josiah Baldivino (@JosiahBaldivino) August 27, 2014
A. #sommchat @keepercoll @MichaelMinaSF but sometimes u gotta have balls to go for it!
— Josiah Baldivino (@JosiahBaldivino) August 27, 2014
The glamor of starting a small business:
A. @keepercoll @BayGrape You start to care about things you normally wouldn't think about. Such as: is your toilet clean?! #sommchat
— Josiah Baldivino (@JosiahBaldivino) August 27, 2014
Napa earthquake relief for the Matthiasson's:
A. #sommchat @BlindedBite @BayGrape We're raising donations for the @matthiassonwine's all week, also showing their wine @ our Thurs tasting
— Josiah Baldivino (@JosiahBaldivino) August 27, 2014
Retail wine ethos:
A. @dfredman @keepercoll @BayGrape Give what they want 1st, gain trust; then offer new fun alternatives #sommchat
— Josiah Baldivino (@JosiahBaldivino) August 27, 2014
Unexpected pleasures of business ownership:
A. @dbrogues @keepercoll Getting to make out with my wife @StevieStacionis in the store. #sommchat
— Josiah Baldivino (@JosiahBaldivino) August 27, 2014