Though Master of Wine (MW) Antony Moss, Director of the Wine & Spirit Education Trust (WSET) can send you a 10,000 word document on how to pass the MW exam, he's also able to stop by SommChat on Twitter and dispense knowledge in 140 character pours. Here are some of the highlights:
Only the beginning:
@keepercoll first interest piqued by doing a Saturday #wine store assistant job while I was a student –back in 1999. #SommChat
— WSETGlobal (@WSETglobal) July 30, 2014
From Mother's Milk to Master of Wine:
@keepercoll my family only drank #wine at Christmas/NewYear (Liebfraumilch!), so I only became interested later on –aged 20. #sommchat
— WSETGlobal (@WSETglobal) July 30, 2014
Need advice on passing the MW exam? That's gonna take a of tweets:
.@ShibaSommelier @keepercoll if you R in the #MW program, PM me @gibich and I’ll send advice how2pass. 10k words (not 140 chars). #sommchat
— WSETGlobal (@WSETglobal) July 30, 2014
But here's one tip that can fit into the 140 character format:
.@ShibaSommelier @keepercoll the key to #MW success = share UR insights and perspective with students in other countries/sectors. #sommchat
— WSETGlobal (@WSETglobal) July 30, 2014
Craft beer and fine wine, holding hands:
@ShibaSommelier @keepercoll positively. It makes consumers think about quality and origin, and more ready to trade up for these #sommchat
— WSETGlobal (@WSETglobal) July 30, 2014
Help me Obi Wan Millennials. You're my only hope.
.@ShibaSommelier @keepercoll #sommchat Millennials are the great hope -interested, ready to spend, and explore.
— WSETGlobal (@WSETglobal) July 30, 2014
MS or MW?
@blejawine @keepercoll #sommchat #MS = more particular detailed knowledge of regions; #MW = deep understanding and explanation of principles
— WSETGlobal (@WSETglobal) July 30, 2014
Shout-out to the mentors:
@SandyWasserman @KeeperColl #sommchat but there are many people who have influenced me. Just a few: @TimWildmanMW, @justin_knock inspire!
— WSETGlobal (@WSETglobal) July 30, 2014
Maybe after the exam?
.@AdamPlotkin @KeeperColl #sommchat #itmusthavehappened: drunk at exam: it was traditional in the 60s to drink sherry DURING #MW exams.
— WSETGlobal (@WSETglobal) July 30, 2014
Final Thought: The Duty of the Sommelier:
@vinogger @keepercoll @KeeperColl #sommchat 1st duty of somm: meet guest needs. Educate if guest really wants, but this is the exception.
— WSETGlobal (@WSETglobal) July 30, 2014