So many wines were available to sample at Taste Washington, which just wrapped up in Seattle. And while there was plenty of tasting, there was also a ton of tweeting via the #TasteWA hashtag. Here are some of the Washington State wines that made a big impression on those at the event. Discover twenty wines: some old favorites, others new discoveries. Agree? Disagree? Want to add your pick(s)? Let us know in the comments.
@jasonjpineda #TasteWA highlights @LaurelhurstWine Cab Franc @ProperWines Syrah @AntoLinCellars Malbec, Sun River Vintners Souzao #WAwine
— Melinda (@KSyrah) March 31, 2014
Favorite #TasteWA wines: @KevinWhiteWine, @LaurenAshton_WA rose, Southard, WT Grüner, Doubleback, @ProperWines.
— Sonja Groset (@sonjagroset) March 31, 2014
One of my favorite wines of #TasteWA Betz Family La Cote Rousse Red Mountain Syrah 2011. Layered, complex, great texture-lovely
— Kristina Kelley (@KSKelley1) March 31, 2014
Omg Chris Upchurch scores!!! #WAwine #TasteWA pic.twitter.com/xHtRXg57r0
— Wendy Miller (@LUPEC_Seattle) March 31, 2014
@MonsoonEast @KevinWhiteWine, @sooscreek Ciel du Cheval red, @7hillswinery 2013 Rose and Southard Winery! #TasteWA
— Annie Hong (@AnnieHongSEA) March 31, 2014
Highlights from #TasteWA day 2 inc @GramercyCellars Mourvedre, @KevinWhiteWine La Fraternite 2012, @TrancheCellars Slice of Pape Blanc '11.
— Sean P. Sullivan (@wawinereport) March 31, 2014
Great 2-days #tastewa this wknd. A mix of old faves Betz, @cadencewinery, @GramercyCellars and new stars @WTVintners @SavageGraceWine
— Alberto (@vinointeriano) March 31, 2014
Best Cab Franc at #TasteWA is from Walla Walla Vinters, IMHO.
— Margot Savell (@WriteforWine) March 30, 2014
Looking for a good Provencal rose? Look no more, #whidbeywinery has you covered. #TasteWA #wawine pic.twitter.com/jgmygQfCNT
— bgrimley (@bgrimley) March 30, 2014