finger lakes wine

  1. Winemaker Lynne Fahy on the Finger Lakes' Ambitious New Winery Hillick & Hobbs

    Winemaker Lynne Fahy on the Finger Lakes' Ambitious New Winery Hillick & Hobbs

    The Finger Lakes region of New York has a rich history of winemaking that dates back to the early 19th century. The region's winemaking journey began in 1829 when Reverend William Bostwick planted the first grapevines in Hammondsport, primarily for sacramental wine and table grapes. However, it wasn't until the mid-19th century that commercial winemaking began to take root. ...

  2. Bruce Murray of Boundary Breaks: Leaving a life of tech startups for the allure of Finger Lakes Riesling

    Bruce Murray of Boundary Breaks: Leaving a life of tech startups for the allure of Finger Lakes Riesling

    "The best Riesling, historically, have come from Germany, from Austria, from France, and we have climates here that are very similar to those. " Bruce Murray, Boundary Breaks
  3. What's Behind the Stunning Rise of Finger Lakes Wines?

    What's Behind the Stunning Rise of Finger Lakes Wines?

    An inside look at the factors propelling this region to new heights.
  4. Making Orange Wine With Hybrids in the Finger Lakes

    Making Orange Wine With Hybrids in the Finger Lakes

    Keuka Lake Vineyards is making orange wine with the Vignoles and Delaware grapes.
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