
  1. SpeakEasy: Tom Wark, Fermentation: The Daily Wine Blog

    SpeakEasy: Tom Wark, Fermentation: The Daily Wine Blog

    Tom Wark has been in the wine industry for more than 25 years, and he's not afraid to use that background as an industry critic.
  2. SpeakEasy: Joe Roberts, 1WineDude

    SpeakEasy: Joe Roberts, 1WineDude

    Joe Roberts gives wine readers a way to escape more of the same on his blog 1WineDude.
  3. SpeakEasy: Alyssa Vitrano, Grapefriend

    SpeakEasy: Alyssa Vitrano, Grapefriend

    Enjoy the unique perspective of Alyssa Vitrano, the writer behind the hit wine blog Grapefriend.
  4. The Tippler Ten: Becca Yeaman's Favorite Places To Wine And Dine In Charlottesville

    The Tippler Ten: Becca Yeaman's Favorite Places To Wine And Dine In Charlottesville

    Grape Collective editor Jameson Fink recently caught up with the deep-thinking blogger about her favorite local haunts in the city she calls home.
  5. SpeakEasy: Becca Yeamans, The Academic Wino

    SpeakEasy: Becca Yeamans, The Academic Wino

    For this week's SpeakEasy, I caught up with Becca about her blog's third anniversary, the craziest tasting room stories, and how she is continually inspired by her fiancé.
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