wine apps

  1. Delectable: A Wine App That Could Revolutionize Drinking

    Delectable: A Wine App That Could Revolutionize Drinking

    Since downloading Delectable last fall, Alexander Niehenke has been moving towards oenophilia at lightning speed.
  2. SpeakEasy: Lenn Thompson, New York Cork Report

    SpeakEasy: Lenn Thompson, New York Cork Report

    Lenn Thompson, Execitive Editor at New York Cork Report, talks drinking local, the Finger Lakes and (gasp!) beer.
  3. Wine4.Me Gets Scientific About The Wines You Like

    Wine4.Me Gets Scientific About The Wines You Like

    "Our evaluation is telling you what you’re tasting in the wine, what you’re enjoying in the wine. The bottom line is: what you enjoy tasting, you enjoy tasting."
  4. SpeakEasy: Pamela Heiligenthal, Enobytes

    SpeakEasy: Pamela Heiligenthal, Enobytes

    Pamela Heiligenthal of Enobytes on wine, wine apps, and a wine professional’s wackiest day of the year.
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